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Old 01-02-2024, 06:11 PM   #1
Registered: Mar 2009
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once a DVD or Blu Ray problem occurs, nothing until reboot

I've got a problem, from time to time, where some (unknown) combination of one or more of: kernel, hardware, firmware, drivers, cosmic alignments or bad mojo, causes Linux on my computer to not see a plugged in (USB) DVD or Blu-Ray (BD) burner. Once that happens, no drive, media or USB port combination will work. Unplug, replug, blank media, known filled media, etc. It's as if the kernel (or whatever the cause really is) decides to lock down or gets stuck and refuses to have anything to do with the matter until the computer is shut down or rebooted. One time I waited eight or so hours, plugged a drive in and still the problem manifested.

And yes, rebooting the computer (or shutting it down and switching it on again) fixes the problem, just like in the DOS days.

In this example, issuing the "eject" command to open up, so I can put a disc in:
$ eject dev/sr1
eject: dev/sr1: not found mountpoint or device with the given name
$ lsblk | grep sr1
sr1                         11:1    1 1024M  0 rom
Yup, the sr1 device is there yet not there, at the same time. *golf clap*.

Oh, and the problem is identical as non-root and root.

I have no ideas, save for perhaps burning incense to appease the machine spirit of my computer and/or the BD drive?

Can anyone please advise? Thank you.
Old 01-02-2024, 07:42 PM   #2
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No leading / ?
$ eject /dev/sr1
Old 01-05-2024, 09:39 PM   #3
Registered: Mar 2009
Distribution: Bedrock, Devuan, Slackware, Linux From Scratch, Void
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Originally Posted by scasey View Post
No leading / ?
$ eject /dev/sr1
D'oh! That was it. I'm a dumbass.
Thank you.


intermittant bd dvd

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