It is all nvidia stuff...
I managed to get the graphics card working but still have had no luck on the onboard audio and video. The modules are there; when I do
insmod nvnet
insmod nvaudio
it tells me that they already exist but I still can't get any sound or access the network. I tried sndconfig and used the network configuration utility and neither helped-- sndconfig acknowledged that the card was there but said that it could not use it as there were no pre-configured drivers (I used the drivers from
I am not sure which hardware you need-- what i have is:
AMD AthlonXP 2000+
Asus A79266- VM nForce 220D Chip
512 MB RAM
The network card and audio card are both onboard (nforce).
So, in a nutshell, I have installed the modules I need for this hardware, but how can I use them?