often a good thing to do when downloading kernel headers (and other stuff (in my LIMITED experience)) is to replace the version number with the command
`uname -r`
Note that those are backticks that have been used, not apostrophees (sp).
an example would be
apt-get install kernel-headers-`uname -r`
that last command automatically queries the kernel and downloads the the correct files (in this case headers) for your version.
I believe (from memory) that `uname -r` can also be replaced with
$(uname -r)
From memory, either encasing the command with backticks, or $() automatically runs the envclosed file.
That should make sure you have the correct headers.
Now as to the driver, this can be difficult, as apperently Debian and nVidia cannot agree on file locations. Try following the instructions here...
Now these didn't help me too much (note I was trying to follow these instructions BEFORE I had installed x-window-system). Even after X was installed, this set of instructions didn't seem to work, however the nvidia installer (6111) did work where as (6106 i think) didn't. Please note that at least one person on these forums has followed these instructions (
see here)and they have managed to install their graphics card by doing so, where the nvidia installer failed. Hope this helps.