nouveau video acceleration on geforce gt 210 not working properly and crashing the system
I am using the nouveau driver on the geforce gt210 and followed the steps on the freedesktop site to extract the firmware from the nvidia binary driver and enable video acceleration. And after that, vainfo and vdpauinfo are returning a list of codecs and no apparent errors. But when I try to watch a video in vlc or any other player that uses vaapi, various green artifacts appear in the video and the system freezes, causing me to have to unplug the computer to shut it down. The same happens if I watch a video in vlc or any other player that uses vaapi. The same happens if I watch a video in vlc with vdpau, the video runs for a while, but the screen starts to stutter and the system also freezes completely. Can anyone help me?
Last edited by URUBU; 06-12-2023 at 03:27 PM.