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Old 12-25-2003, 02:56 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2003
Location: Sweden, Göteborg
Distribution: Slackware 10.1
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Nokia 3300

I have kernel version 2.6.0 with built in USB support and usb mass storage support and so on... all that I need to get my Nokia 3300 phone working as a MMC flash reader/writer.
And guess what, it works perfectly...
at first I had the hotplug script installed from but then I realized that I didn't even have to use that.

Well now the problems...
I would like this usb device to be automountet without me having to lift a finger...
my ide of doing this whas to simply create my own /sbin/hotplug script that just contain something like mount /mnt/nokia but for some reson this script is ignored when I create it my self.

When I had the "real" hotplug script installed I could see that it whas activated in the /var/log/message log file but as I said, when I create my own file it seems to be completly ignored... I have tried to but other things in it like starting xmms for digagnostic purpose but nothing happens.

Can someone help me understand why this dosen't wokr?


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