Which version of the driver are you using? I am currently using
8.22.5 because it's the only one that works for me (mobility x300). I, too, am using suse 10 (retail) and found that if you download the
rpm (not the installer) for xorg 6.8.0 and follow these steps you are almost guaranteed some degree of safety:
root@linux# init 3
root@linux# modprobe -r drm
root@linux# modprobe -r radeon
root@linux# sax2 -r -m 0=fglrx
root@linux# init 5 && exit
You will want to make sure everything looks right when sax2 loads. You can verify the fglrx module loaded using:
user@linux# lsmod | grep fglrx
If it returns a response then you are good.
With ubuntu, I am pretty sure you can just use the installer, but you have to uninstall the previous fglrx drivers included with the install. Then you have to use the aticonfig utility to modify the xorg.conf unless you REALLY know what you are doing. Or you can opt to generate a disto specific package for ubuntu using the:
root@linux# ./ati*.run --get-supported
Then you can use the rpm for ubuntu. It was so much easier when they used the fglrxconfig utility.
I hope that helps.