Now, I tried everything....My Hard drive is
not listed on the HCList of Redhat... but I don't think that I can't install a linux on it....here are my partition tables:
- /dev/hda1-->win2k
/dev/hda2 -->boot of redhat (empty at this moment)
/dev/hda3--> win2k
/dev/hda5--> fat32-data-partition
/dev/hda6--> empty....3gB designated for root-partition of linux....
I've partitioned these tables with Partition Magic 7 on Win2k.... and also tried every different possibility....for example: increasing space of /dev/hda2....I tried to use hda2 as root...but-->same error...in every case this message appears as soon as I want to set /dev/hda6 (or even /dev/hda2) as root-partition at the installation with diskdruid:
zylinderbased partition doesn't accomplish requierements to make linux bootable
haven't I got any chance to install a linux on my 2,5inch notebook-disk drive?