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Old 01-26-2005, 01:30 AM   #1
Registered: Aug 2003
Posts: 34

Rep: Reputation: 15
No channels with Hauppauge WinTV


I've recently install a Haupauge WinTV card under Slackware 10.0. All the necessary modules are loaded but the tuner does not seem to work under any TV program. In short, there are no channels to be found. I have verified that the cable jack is good and that everything is connected (just to get the obvious out of the way).

I have read that I need to specify the tuner type in /etc/modules.conf but that file is empty on my system.

I'm no sure where to start with this one so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Old 01-26-2005, 04:37 AM   #2
LQ Guru
Registered: Jan 2002
Posts: 6,042

Rep: Reputation: Disabled
You can add
options bttv tuner=x
in /etc/modules.conf. The x is where you place what tuner you want from CARDLIST in the kernel documentation. When hotplug loads up the bttv module it will use the options that you provide in either /etc/modules.conf for 2.4.x kernel and /etc/modprobe.conf for 2.6.x kernel.

You can try either 39 for NTSC or 38 for PAL/SECAM.


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