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Old 07-04-2006, 11:11 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2004
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Nforce4 and SATA woes


I've been having some strange problems with my SATA drive, everything is working just fine untill I start noticing applications starting to freeze (xmms and xchat mostly). Examining the logs I've found out it's something with my SATA harddrive. I have my root partition on another drive, which runs on the PATA interface. However the bigger SATA-drive serves as my /home and as such contains all my stuff, including the music which I listen to (hence xmms freezing).

Before using the SATA-drive as /home I was just using the PATA-drive since the SATA-drive was partitioned to use NTFS for my Windows install. Since then I've repartitioned it to ext3, I would have used ReiserFS but for some reason it made my drive sound really nasty when it was being mounted which had me freaked and thus I went with ext3. The root partition is however ReiserFS (3). I'm not sure what information is needed but I've extracted the errors from the syslog as well as providing the dmesg output, 'smartctl -H /dev/sda -d ata; smartctl -A /dev/sda -d ata' output and the config file for the kernel.

- errors from /var/log/syslog
- dmesg output
- smartctl output
- kernel .config

I've tried,, 2.6.17, and now and the error appears in all the kernels, I'm running Debian (unstable branch). Any help on the matter is greatly appreciated. The machine is the one listed in the signature, if any more info is needed please tell me and I'll try and get it. (I tried search the forums for similiar posts but couldn't find anything)

EDIT: I should add that I've also run Memtest86+ just to rule out the RAM and the Samsung HUTIL which did a full surface scan amongst other things and didn't find anything wrong. Thus if the hardware is fine it must be something with the software. I should add I've just recently switched to using Linux (a few months ago) as my main OS, so if there's some information you need from the system it doesn't hurt if you tell me how to get the information as well.

Last edited by drirr; 07-04-2006 at 11:14 AM.


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