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Old 05-18-2003, 11:07 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2003
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Newbie in Red Hat Linux- Questions on drivers

WARNING! Newbie here...

After installing Red Hat Linux V7.2 from a CD I got from the bookstore the second time, I finally managed to make XP Home and Linux coexist in my Compaq Presario 5000.

However, I found out that although the Hardware Browser is able to identify the various peripherals - ADMtek AN983 Fast Ethernet, Conexant modem, Genius ColorPage Vivid II USB scanner, Genius VideoExpress Camera, and Canon BJC-1000SP printer - I can't use them.

After scouring the web, so far I was able to download

ADMtek AN983 driver (but no RHL driver)
Conexant (for kernel 2.4.7-10 for i686, I think that's for my PC)

I have ADSL and still have to find out how to be able to use these drivers for my use.

I am having a hard time find drivers even from their own company web sites for the Genius products and Canon printer. Has anyone here able to find drivers for these products and make it work?

I am now reading the manuals to understand how to use KDE and GNome. Coming from RISC UNIX, primarily Tru64 UNIX/CDE/Motif, and having tried UNIPLEX/AIX for productivity tools, the applications on Linux for the desktop, it has come a long way since Interactive UNIX.

I am hopeful that I can make use all of this equipment to complete my transition to Linux. Thanks everyone for your kindness.
Old 05-19-2003, 05:29 AM   #2
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When dealing with obscure hardware, support comes later than mainstream. I would suggest you install the newest version of redhat or mandrake if you are a newbie. Most component configuration is kernel dependent, and unless you are confortable adding /etc/modules.conf modprobe settings for your winmodem and the like, you ought to download the iso's or buy a retail box.

With your hardware setup, I would recomment mandrake 9.1 due to its included winmodem support... although only the bought version has that/or via club membership.

In total, as a newbie, I moreso recommend that you install linux on commodity hardware that is supported. You don't want to start off crippled and angry because that chipset of that model of that line of that brand of that laptop isn't supported entirely.

You can look through currently supported hardware at the linux documentation project.
Old 05-19-2003, 05:50 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
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id have to agree, youll probably want to install a more current version of redhat, also the hardest thing for me was not to install the drivers, but to find the right apps to use with my hardware, try and get RH8 or above and install it, i think youll have a much better experience.
Old 05-22-2003, 10:14 PM   #4
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2003
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Thanks for your inputs.


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