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Old 02-26-2003, 03:00 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2003
Location: Belleville, Ontario, Canada
Distribution: Fedora
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New sound issue

Ok, I tried resolving my original sound issue with the VIA 8233 AC 97 Audio Controller by adding in a new program to check the volume (AUMIX). However, that didn't work. I tried running the program and got a messagae about not being able to open the audio device and to check and make sure to have permission to open the dev/mixer and make sure that sound support is compiled into the Kernel. I finally got sick and tired of playing around and decided to format and reinstall the Red Hat 8.0 Operating System. Well, once again, the error message came up that the audio device couldn't be opened and to check one again that permission to open /dev/mixer is enabled and that sound support is compiled into the Kernel. Ok, I'm at wits end. I know I'm a newbie with this, but I thought this was supposed to be a relatively straight forward install. I have no clue on how to compile a kernel or how to check permissions or anything like that. I've been looking through MAN files, using the Red Linux 8 for Dummies book, using Red Hat support online, and there just doesn't seem to be any kind of explanation for this. Any kind of information would be GREATLY and EXTREMELY appreciated.
Old 02-26-2003, 03:27 AM   #2
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read the posting directly below this one
Old 02-26-2003, 03:28 AM   #3
Registered: Dec 2002
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Distribution: Fedora Core 4
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Seems like the sound driver is not initialising properly.

The VIA 8233 is the "Southbrigde" of your mobo. Could tell the make and the model of the mobo ? (in order to know what is the audio chip).

Logged in as root, you could run "sndconfig" to redo your audio configuration. Or, could go to BIOS, disable the integrated audio device, reboot (letting kudzu -the hardware detector- does its work), shutdown, go to the BIOS and enable the audio device again. In the next reboot, kudzu should detect again the "new" hardware and it will try to configure.
Old 02-26-2003, 12:19 PM   #4
LQ Newbie
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Location: Belleville, Ontario, Canada
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I just wanted to say thank you for your help so far. It's been greatly appreciated and I'm going to try that. Of note, the motherboard I'm using is an MSI KT4V series (MS-6712). Once again, thanks for the help.
Old 02-27-2003, 04:35 AM   #5
Registered: Dec 2002
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Distribution: Fedora Core 4
Posts: 127

Rep: Reputation: 15
Your mobo has the Realtek ALC650 sound chip. Some users reports success using ALSA 0.9rc6, but I have no more details. Hoping to point in the right direction.


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