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Old 07-02-2005, 07:43 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2005
Posts: 6

Rep: Reputation: 0
Unhappy New brother DCP 110C printer not working CUPS

Hi all,
I just bought a Brother DCP110C printer. I downloaded the linux drivers from the brother homepage, I followed the instructions there, the setup with cups went smooth. When I click on print testpage, the printer doesn't work. When I click "show completed jobs" in the cups web interface, it shows the test pages in "aborted" state. I set my cups.conf in debug mode and here is the log file. Any help appreciated.

PS: running FC4, kernel 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4

D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:28 +0200] [Job 10] slowcollate=0, slowduplex=0, sloworder=0 
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:28 +0200] [Job 10] 0 %%BoundingBox: 0 0 612 792  
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:28 +0200] [Job 10] 0 %%Pages: 1  
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:28 +0200] [Job 10] 0 %%LanguageLevel: 1  
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:28 +0200] [Job 10] 0 %%DocumentData: Clean7Bit 
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:28 +0200] [Job 10] 0 %%DocumentSuppliedResources: procset testprint/1.1  
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:28 +0200] [Job 10] 0 %%DocumentNeededResources: font Helvetica Helvetica-Bold Times-Roman  
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:28 +0200] [Job 10] 0 %%Creator: Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products  
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:28 +0200] [Job 10] 0 %%CreationDate: May 11, 1999  
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:28 +0200] [Job 10] 0 %%Title: Test Page  
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:28 +0200] [Job 10] 0 %%EndComments  
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:28 +0200] [Job 10] 0 %%BeginProlog  
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:28 +0200] [Job 10] 0 %%BeginResource procset testprint 1.1 0  
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:28 +0200] [Job 10] 0 %%EndResource  
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:28 +0200] [Job 10] 0 %%EndProlog  
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:28 +0200] [Job 10] 0 %%Page: 1 1  
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:28 +0200] [Job 10] 0 %%Page: 1 1  
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:28 +0200] [Job 10] pw = 576.0, pl = 720.0  
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:28 +0200] [Job 10] PageLeft = 18.0, PageRight = 594.0 
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:28 +0200] [Job 10] PageTop = 756.0, PageBottom = 36.0  
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:28 +0200] [Job 10] PageWidth = 612.0, PageLength = 792.0  
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:28 +0200] [Job 10] 0 %%EOF  
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:28 +0200] [Job 10] Saw EOF!  
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:28 +0200] [Job 10] /usr/lib/cups/filter/brlpdwrapperDCP110C: Keine Berechtigung  D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:29 +0200] CloseClient: 2  
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:29 +0200] [Job 10] Printer using device file "/dev/usb/lp0"...  
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:29 +0200] [Job 10] LPGETSTATUS returned a port status of 18...  
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:29 +0200] UpdateJob: job 10, file 0 is complete.  
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:29 +0200] CancelJob: id = 10  
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:29 +0200] StopJob: id = 10, force = 0 
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:29 +0200] StopJob: printer state is 3  
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:30 +0200] ReadClient: 6 GET /printers/BrotherDCP110C HTTP/1.1  
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:30 +0200] CGI /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi started - PID = 3729  
I [02/Jul/2005:23:57:30 +0200] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=3729)  
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:30 +0200] SendCommand: 6 file=8  
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:30 +0200] AcceptClient: 2 from localhost:631. 
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:30 +0200] ReadClient: 2 POST / HTTP/1.1 
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:30 +0200] ProcessIPPRequest: 2 status_code=1 
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:30 +0200] ReadClient: 2 POST / HTTP/1.1 
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:30 +0200] ProcessIPPRequest: 2 status_code=1 
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:30 +0200] ReadClient: 2 POST / HTTP/1.1 
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:30 +0200] ProcessIPPRequest: 2 status_code=1 
D [02/Jul/2005:23:57:30 +0200] CloseClient: 2
Old 07-03-2005, 04:38 AM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2005
Posts: 6

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Rep: Reputation: 0
anyone?? printers+linux is a scary combination
Old 07-03-2005, 05:37 AM   #3
Michael Johnson
Registered: Jul 2005
Location: Wagga Wagga, Australia
Posts: 262

Rep: Reputation: 30
This is a silly question. But did you go through the printer setup on the printer before you installed the drivers etc.
Old 07-03-2005, 05:43 AM   #4
Michael Johnson
Registered: Jul 2005
Location: Wagga Wagga, Australia
Posts: 262

Rep: Reputation: 30
I just thought of something else. Are you using a USB 2.0 interface.
Try just removeing the USB cable for about 5 mins. and then reinsert it.
This should stop any processes which may blocking your printer access.
Old 07-03-2005, 07:05 AM   #5
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2005
Posts: 6

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 0
Hi Michael,
thanks for your response. The printer is working perfectly under winXP. I did this with the usb cable but no fun
Check the attached screenshots. Xsane is also not functioning. Message translation from Xsane "Error opening device "brother2:bus4;dev1. Error while device IO". If something makes sense to you, plese tell me.
Aslo, which distro are you using? Kernel?

Arghh after 6-7 hours setting up the printer, still no joy

Old 07-03-2005, 07:15 AM   #6
Michael Johnson
Registered: Jul 2005
Location: Wagga Wagga, Australia
Posts: 262

Rep: Reputation: 30
I am running FC4 with 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4. The same as you.
I also have this line in my fstab
none /proc/bus/usb usbfs auto,devmode=0666 0 0
Note the usbfs.
If all this is well I'm not sure what else may be causing your problem. There is one difference you are using a different language to me. This should not affect it bur I have stranger things happen.
Old 07-03-2005, 07:16 AM   #7
Michael Johnson
Registered: Jul 2005
Location: Wagga Wagga, Australia
Posts: 262

Rep: Reputation: 30
Oh I forgot to metion your settings are the same as mine.
Old 07-03-2005, 07:19 AM   #8
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2005
Posts: 6

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Rep: Reputation: 0
ok, by clicking "set as default printer" in the cups web interface, I got the test page printed. It worke also for ooffice! Now I have somehow to get the scanner working!
PS: Yes, I have the following line in my fstab. Maybe I should link it with ln to a default device
Old 07-03-2005, 07:24 AM   #9
Michael Johnson
Registered: Jul 2005
Location: Wagga Wagga, Australia
Posts: 262

Rep: Reputation: 30
That should have been done when you did the setup on the scanner.


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