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Old 10-12-2023, 12:28 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Question Network card management command is good or bad

Hi guys!

I would like to know if there is any way to identify if the network card (RJ45) that is integrated into the board has suffered some physical damage or it is just a lack of system drivers.

I don't exactly remember when it stopped working, after a system update... maybe?

Any command where I can start stretching the threads?

At first glance I can see that it only has one (one) fixed green LED light without flashing. And without having the cable connected.

Now connecting the cable, the above is repeated. one Fixed green LED light.

any suggestion is welcome!
Old 10-12-2023, 07:46 AM   #2
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Certainly. Run
sudo lspci
If that somehow isn't enough, note the slot on the left. Then run lspci -n and search for the number.
Old 10-12-2023, 08:04 AM   #3
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Not sure I understand your post. Is the green LED illuminated regardless if the cable is connected or not?
The ethtool utility will show if the link is detected and its settings but typically not installed by default.
Old 10-12-2023, 04:01 PM   #4
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With a network cable, it takes two to tango.
The network switch (usually) and the desktop/laptop NIC

1. Telnet or ssh into the switch and watch the logs
2. On your desktop/laptop run this command dmesg -w as root and then plug the cable in.

Usually you see something in the logs above which helps
Old 10-13-2023, 07:56 AM   #5
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Yes, you will have to identify the device. The make sure the drivers are loaded then usually put some tcp/ip configuration on it.
Used to have a loop back connector in my desk to test. It connects the input to output to diag in some cases.


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