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Old 11-24-2002, 05:59 PM   #1
Senior Member
Registered: Jul 2002
Location: New York
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need some sound help here

I'm trying to get my als4000 soundcard to work with the oss drivers, but i'm only partially succeding.
I downloaded the oss-install script. I'm able to get sound working after I have ran this scriipt. But when I reboot, I don't have sound any more and I have to run the install script again.
When sound is working and I do "lsmod", I get this :

Module Size Used by Tainted: PF
als4000 10688 1
opl3 14148 1 [als4000]
uart401 7744 1 [als4000]
pnp 49888 1 [als4000]
soundbase 576032 1 [als4000 opl3 uart401 pnp]
sndshield 10924 0 [als4000 opl3 uart401 pnp soundbase]
lvm-mod 60768 0 (autoclean)
agpgart 31136 3 (autoclean)
lp 7524 0 (autoclean)
NVdriver 1065952 10
bla bla bla bla .......

when sound is not working, the modules , als4000, opl3, uart401, pnp, soundbase an sndshield are not there. I tried to insert them manually but then I get errors like :

Warning: loading /lib/modules/2.4.19-xfs/kernel/drivers/sound/oss/soundbase will taint the kernel: no license
See for information about tainted modules
/lib/modules/2.4.19-xfs/kernel/drivers/sound/oss/soundbase: init_module: Device or resource busy
Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including invalid IO or IRQ parameters.
You may find more information in syslog or the output from dmesg

How can I insert the modules manually. Please help me someone. I really don't know what to do.
Old 11-24-2002, 06:12 PM   #2
Senior Member
Registered: Jul 2002
Location: New York
Distribution: Slackware
Posts: 1,358

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Rep: Reputation: 45
Ok I have some additional info. Here is a part of my dmesg output :

OSS: Cannot register OSS as the driver for character device 14.
Another sound driver is already loaded/included in kernel.
Please check that you are not running kernel with built in sound support
and that there are no sound related kernel modules loaded (lsmod).
Try to start OSS again after removing the other driver.
OSS: Cannot register OSS as the driver for character device 14.
Another sound driver is already loaded/included in kernel.
Please check that you are not running kernel with built in sound support
and that there are no sound related kernel modules loaded (lsmod)

guess this explains a lot.
This time, I removed the module "soundcore" and I was able to insert all the drivers. But I still have no sound.
Any sugestions ?


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