Need help to recover extended partitions/logical drives
I installed RH Linux 8.0 on the second of two hard drives in my machine. I let the install program install GRUB into the MBR of HD1. However, it would not boot into Windows 98. Something was wrong with the boot loader - I think. Anyway, I was frustrated and uninstalled Linux per Red Hat's instructions. I was still unable to boot windows though. FDISK said that the partition was a non DOS partition. I downloaded Ranish Partition Manager, and it was able to convert it to FAT32. When I rebooted, Windows came up! But, I am unable to see my extended partitions. I tried running Partition Magic - it sees the C: drive, but it doesn't list any info about the rest of the drive. I doesn't show any unallocated space either. I think the info on the extended partitions is there, but I don't know how to retrieve it. Is there anything on the Linux install disk that can help?
Any info would be appreciated