Need a site:DDR modules single sided/double sided
When building a server on a Socket A motherboard, one may have the need for lots of RAM. The Nforce2 dual channel chipset is usually found on motherboards with three DIMM sockets allowing 3 gB. Since 512 mB modules are cheaper than 1024 mB modules, I found a mobo with four sockets, thinking I could use 4 X 512 mB to get 2 gB more cheaply than 2 X 512 + 1X 1024. However, there is a "Catch-22". While the first two modules of 512 mB may be either single or double sided, the last two must be single sided. Is there a site that classifies DIMMs by sided-ness? The DIMM manufacturers, chip makers and mobo makers do not seem to speak the same language when they describe organisation. From what I have found so far, the 512 mB single sided DIMMs are rare and expensive so the advantage of 4 sockets on Gigabyte's GA7N400L1 may be illusory.