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Old 12-14-2004, 12:39 AM   #1
Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 91

Rep: Reputation: 15
Thumbs up mp3 player freezes konqueror

Hello I posted some information about my little hardware conflict on a different post but the title wasn't very specific so I didn't get any responses. My problem is when I try to connect my mp3 player to my computer and mount it, it freezes up konqueror, the program I use to browse through my files and everything. I just recently upgraded to Mandrake 10.1 final. Before that I had Mandrake Community 10.0 and my mp3 player worked fine with that. I thought that the problem was with my settings or something so I formated and reinstalled Mandrake 10.1 final again but this time with my mp3 player plugged in and it still did the same thing. My mp3 player is an iRiver 40GB and it mounts as an SDA drive. Thanks for all of the help on solving my hardware problem


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