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Old 05-16-2003, 05:42 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2003
Location: Bristol, England
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Question Mouse Resolution

I have a problem setting the mouse resolution in X. This is not to be confused with acceleration.

When I boot in windows the mouse is fine. In X the mouse is very slow.

I have tried a MS mouse and a Logitech mouse. The mice are capable of 400 dpi.

If I use mev mouse movements range between 1 and 3.

Now for the interesting bit; I also have a KVM. When I load X, the mouse is slow. If I use the KVM to a windows system and move the mouse, the mouse is OK. If I now use the KVM to switch to linux X, the mouse is OK.

Using CTRL-ALT-1 to switch to a text console, mev now reports movements upto 20.

Using CTRL-ALT-7 to switch to X, and the mouse is slow again.

Using CTRL-ALT-1 to switch to a text console, mev now reports movements upto 3.

Clearly windows reinitaliss teh mouse to high res. Linux doesn't know about the KVM so ikt carries on using the mouse.

Switching to the console does not reinit the mouse.

Switching to X reinits the mouse to low res.

1) The mouse must have some state
2) X sends reinit information

And the question is how do I hget it to init to a high res?
Old 05-21-2003, 03:56 PM   #2
LQ Guru
Registered: Aug 2001
Location: Dublin, Ireland
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When in X, X is in control of the mouse, when on a tty, gpm is in control. To monkey with the mouse settings for X live, you can just use:

xset m 10

Check out the man page on xset, there are many different options.

For instance, which is what my eraserhead on my laptop gets set to. Also you can crank up the baudrate straight in the XF86Config file by adding a line to the mouse section like:

Option "BaudRate" "200"

Or thereabouts.




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