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Old 12-11-2002, 01:22 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2002
Location: Mumbai
Distribution: Redhat 7.3
Posts: 2

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Cool Mouse pointer shifted - found the solution

Hi all,
I had posted this message on 9 dec ---

Mouse focus goes haywire ( post #1)

Hi all,
I have a Redhat 7.3 system installed on my celeron 850 / 40 GB hdd /196 Mb RAM / with a PS/2 scroll mouse .My mouse works perfectly for a while but suddenly the mouse focus shifts 1.5 - 2 cms to the left ( meaning that I have to click 2 cm to the left of any button to activate it ) . This problem persists even if I restart my X server . To correct it I have to restart my whole machine ( even after rebooting the problem pops up after a variable amount of time ) . I didnt face this problem when I was using Mandrake 8.2 on this same machine .
Could any of you help me solve this problem ? I would appreciate any suggestion anyone .
Thanks, ('') Help PLEASE ! "

Since then I have done some searching on my own and I found this :

There is a bug in the trident cyberblade chip which causes this problem . The suggested solution is to download a new driver from
and pop it in /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers.Make sure you backup the old one, just in case

This has solved my problem . I thought it could help others stuck with the same problem hence this post .

Last edited by svb4u; 12-11-2002 at 01:30 PM.


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