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Old 03-30-2005, 04:41 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2005
Posts: 3

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Monitor, resolution, refresh rate

i just recently configured xorg.conf. and by default, i was given the 1400x1050 resolution!

i never new my monitor's resolution can go that high. so my question are:

1. is it safe to have resolution that high on my 17" monitor?

2. how do i check the refresh rate my monitor is currently using?

i would love to keep this large resolution on my 17" monitor, but i am not sure if it is safe to go this high.

3. also, how will the refresh rate affect me or my monitor?

4. what are some signs of my monitor being 'unhealthy' or not being able to handle it?

NOTE: I cannot post URLs because the forum says I need at least 5 posts to post a URL. So please visit LG's official site and look for a 17" CRT monitor with the model T710B to view the specs.
Old 03-30-2005, 09:49 AM   #2
LQ Veteran
Registered: Mar 2003
Location: Boise, ID
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If this monitor is the one you are using then:

1. No. The max resolution per the tech specs is 1280x1024
2. If you're using KDE, right click on a blank area of your desktop, then Configure Desktop > Display > Size & Orientation
3. Higher refresh rates are easier on your eyes; I'd suggest using 75Hz as the minimum. Trying to force the monitor to use a faster refresh rate than it's built for can damage it
4. Most likely, if would just stop working. I don't think it would act funny for 2 or 3 weeks and then go down.

I would ask if the system really truly is using 1400x1050. If you previously were using a lower resolution, say, 1024x768 but now are using 1280x1024, the difference can seem significant. In any event, under no circumstances would I recommend trying to force a monitor to use a resolution that is higher than what the manufacturer has specified. Good luck with it and Welcome to LQ -- J.W.


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