Making X work is always a pain.
First, realize that X is merely a foundation for wht is known as a Window Manager.
Known and popular Window Managers are Gnome, KDE and perhaps XFCE.
Window managers don't decide screen resolution. They manage windows.
X manages resolution.
Thus, you need to go have a looong look at the configuration file(s) pertaining to X.
So where are those configuration files?
And how do you get to look at them when you don't have X running?
Well; conf-files in general are in the /etc directory, and this is also true for X-conffiles.
Actually X has its own directory named X11 in the /etc-directory, so looking in /etc/X11/ may be a good starting point.
You, alledgedly being a newbie, might have a hard time getting by without the X GUI and the window manager and all the nice icons 'n stuff. Well, in this case i can't help you there. You'll simply have to get by without X. But lets see now if we can help you on your way.
Over the years i've had much use from a program called mc (which stands for Midnight Commander, a clone of an oooold DOS-age-filemanagement-tool called Norton Commander). MC will allow you to easily traverse your filesystem, inspecting files, copying them around and editing them as you like. Mastering MC will almost instantly provide you a ton of confidence points - you'll no longer feel so very lost when faced with the ugly and no-help-provided commandline prompt.
Not all linux-systems come with mc preloaded, unfortunately. See if yours does by typing mc<enter> at the dreaded prompt (of course you'll need to log in first).
If mc pops up (blue screen with two 'panes' showing filesystem content), then get to know it better. Move around, watch file content (F3 key) and spend a little time familiarizing yourself with all the options and possibilities. Explore.
Finally, go to /etc/X11 and see what you can find.
AFAIK one of two files will be relevant.
xorg.conf if you have the Xorg-variant of X
XF86config-4 if you have the xfree86-variant of X
Watch the file content using F3. It should be more or less self-explanatory, so hopefully you'll learn something from watching the file.
Now for some more fun (??) try using the commandline manual system.
Type 'man XF86config-4<enter>' at a command prompt. Read what is displayed about the file and its content. See if you can use any of what you read.
If you can, editthe file using mc and the F4 key.
Once the file has been edited and saved, you can try if X can start with your modifications by typing 'startx<enter>' at the command prompt.
And from there on i can't help you - i'm not using Fedora. I wish you luck.
Now what if there's no mc?
Then you are faced with two choices. You can either get hold of mc or you can do without it. Getting hold of mc using fedora's package management system should be possible - but once again i'm unable to help. Doing without it and reverting to good ol' commandline use (cd, ls etc.) is also good practice, although somewhat more cumbersome to the beginner. Using the latter approach, you'lol also need some sort of text editor. Usually there's vi - and then you'll have to learn how to work with vi, which imho is a pain.
Your choice.
But try to get to that X-configuration-file and figure out how it works. IMHO this is a much better approach than figuring out how Fedora's commandline-X-management-tool works. You might want to change to another distro later on, and then you'll have to go figure out how *that* distributions's particular commandline-X-management-tool works.
At the root of all this is the conf-file. It makes sense to learn how that one works, right?