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Old 07-19-2004, 06:42 AM   #1
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Monitor doesn't wake up at power-on

I recently replaced my old 15"-monitor for a Fujitsu ErgoPro x174, a very good monitor using 1280x1024 at 75Hz.
The problem is that when I turn the computer on, the monitor sometimes stays black!
I have to restart 2-3 times to get it on, once the monitor is turned on it stays on - no problems at all. (I restart before grub loads, it has nothing to do with any OS.)
BUt why doesn't it "wake up" directly?
Strange is, if I boot the computer and monitor stays off, it doesn't help to connect my old monitor instead. No signal! If I boot without monitor I can connect my old monitor just fine.
I haven't found any settings in the monitor's menu for this.
This is a pain, especially for my kids.

(Also, when I switch to textmode from GUI I get a blank screen, message from monitor "signal out of range". This is probably because some XF86config-4 settings are wrong, I'm too lazy to check. Gonna change to Mandrake10 + Slackware10 any day now anyway. But it seems the X-configuration actually controls the text-mode too? Booting to runlevel 3 is ok, 'init 3' after booting runlevel 5 = blank screen. Just curious about this one.)
Old 07-19-2004, 04:32 PM   #2
LQ Guru
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"I recently replaced my old 15"-monitor for a Fujitsu ErgoPro x174, a very good monitor using 1280x1024 at 75Hz.
The problem is that when I turn the computer on, the monitor sometimes stays black!
I have to restart 2-3 times to get it on, once the monitor is turned on it stays on - no problems at all. (I restart before grub loads, it has nothing to do with any OS.)"

Take a look at your BIOS settings, especially power saving options. Maybe you need to change a BIOS setting to accomodate the new monitor.

Be prepared. Create a LifeBoat CD.

Steve Stites
Old 07-22-2004, 02:37 AM   #3
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No, there is nothing in BIOS.
(I was almost certain about that earlier, but wanted to doublecheck now that you mentioned it.)
Any other ideas?
Old 07-22-2004, 10:53 AM   #4
LQ Guru
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"No, there is nothing in BIOS."

"The problem is that when I turn the computer on, the monitor sometimes stays black!
I have to restart 2-3 times to get it on, once the monitor is turned on it stays on - no problems at all. (I restart before grub loads, it has nothing to do with any OS.)
BUt why doesn't it "wake up" directly?
Strange is, if I boot the computer and monitor stays off, it doesn't help to connect my old monitor instead. No signal! If I boot without monitor I can connect my old monitor just fine."

My next guess is that there is an intermittent error in the power saving feature in your new monitor. Try turning off the monitor's power saving feature so that it never tries to save power when the CPU does not contact the monitor for a set period of time.

If possible try an identical Fujitsu monitor to see if the problem happens to be a defect in the one particular monitor that you bought. Is it still under warrenty?

Be prepared. Create a LifeBoat CD.

Steve Stites
Old 07-23-2004, 02:45 AM   #5
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Unfortunately there is no way to set/change powersaving in the monitor. Monitor's menu only includes brightness, position and such. I have tried all buttons on the monitor in different combinations, there is plenty of info on internet about the monitor but nothing about menu, powersaving etc.
It is a used monitor, no warranty and I can't replace it with an identical. Also, when it's up it's definitely the best monitor I've ever seen! So I'm absolutely going to keep it, just want this little nuisance solved if possible.

Last edited by pingu; 07-23-2004 at 03:42 AM.
Old 04-29-2007, 06:51 AM   #6
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2007
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I have the same problem...

I have the same monitor, and it does the same thing, it really sux, there's one more thing when it goes back from power saving refresh rate is 60hz instead of 100 and it is imposible to set it back to 100hz unles i restart the computer. I'm going to open it now i just need to figure out how the hell this monitor opens


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