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Old 07-29-2004, 05:25 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2004
Posts: 10

Rep: Reputation: 0
Modem woes


Tried searching the forums before posting here.

I'm trying to get my Netcomm Mega-i Modem (external) working with RH 8. My kernel version is 2.4.18.

My modem is on Com 1 , however when I try to configure a connection using the GUI configuraiton tool, i get a message that says 'modem not detected.'

I tried running wvdialconf , but no modem was detected again.

I ran the following command : setserial -bg /dev/ttyS* to get a listing of devices attached to my serial ports and RH reports something on Com1.

when I go echo atz > ttyS0 , I can get the modem LEDs to blink..., but thats as far as it goes....

I have an ethernet card installed, which I disabled thinking that there might be a hardware conflict, but to no avail...

When RH is booting, I get a message that says "Unable to load ppp0, error code 8 "......

Really confused....can someone please help???....

Much appreciated,

PS : Tried the with my Knoppix bootable. Basically the same problem. When I try to select ttyS0 , the message changes from 'unable to detect modem ' to ...' 'the modem does not respond'....
Old 07-29-2004, 09:45 PM   #2
Registered: Jul 2003
Location: NSW. Australia
Distribution: Ubuntu, Fedora, Slackware
Posts: 181

Rep: Reputation: 30
I ahve had probs as well with my modem, but I now have it all sorted.
You'll need to do a few other things first.

1. Check out this little guide I wrote:
Thought I would share my success story with you all regarding setting up a Lucent WinModem in Linux.

First of all, searched everywhere for solid information.
There are tools you can use to determine the chipset of your modem but if you know this already, just google for the make of what you ahve and you'll come up with something.

Links here and there and back and forth pissed me off, but finally found the right page.

Got the source code, built the modules following these instructions and hoped for the best.

Loaded up KDE, found a dialer program (KPPP - very good!!) setup my account and dialed...... held my breath........!
It worked! Great!

And there you ahve it.... took all of about 10 mins when I finally found the right page!

By the way, the modem in a NetComm 56 v92. model in5699_4

p.s. I can see the absurdity of downloading programs and searching for pages on the net BEFORE I had the modem setup
, but I was using Windows to search.... kill me now.
so yeah, go over to that page, search for your modem on the page... hopefully it will be supported, get the modules source and follow the instructions!


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