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Old 02-05-2006, 07:15 PM   #1
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Rep: Reputation: 58
Minolta MC 2300dl + foo2zjs driver = color images printed in black?

I use the foo2zjs driver on SuSE 9.1 (cupsd) to print to the remote lp printer queue of a networked Minolta MC 2300dl printer.

My problem is:

A) all documents containing color images and coming from windows are printed incorrectly from linux: the images are printed as solid black rectangles (this problem concerns mainly OpenOffice and Acroread)

B) even the images in multi-page documents produced by me on linux with OpenOffice are printed as solid black rectangles, if I happen to print the document in one print job. This means I must print each page in a separate print job if I want a correct print-out.

I am puzzled as the problem only concerns color images, while colour text, colour backgrounds (of e.g. table cells, etc.) are always printed correctly.

So far as I know, the foo2zjs driver builds up a "printing pipeline" like this:
| foomatic-rip (produces ps output) | foo2zjs-wrapper (produces zjs network stream to printer)

When I directed the postscript output of foomatic-rip into a file, and viewed that file on the screen, the image showed up in color, so (I suppose) the foo2zjs-wrapper may be the culprit.

The foo2zjs-wrapper (in debug mode) put the following lines in /var/log/messages:
Feb 2 08:49:05 szj foo2zjs-wrapper: gs -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -g19840x7016 -r2400x600 -sDEVICE=pksmraw
Feb 2 08:49:05 szj foo2zjs-wrapper: foo2zjs -r2400x600 -g19840x7016 -p9 -m1 -n1 -d1 -s7 -c -u 400x100 -l 400x100

So, it looks like the foo2zjs wrapper runs ghostscript and the foo2zjs binary to create the zjs stream from the postscript data.

Could give me a hint how to debug these two elements of the printing stream?

Is there maybe a known bug of Ghostscript (or foo2zjs) that causes it rendering color images in solid black under certain circumstances?

Last edited by J_Szucs; 02-05-2006 at 08:11 PM.
Old 02-06-2006, 03:30 AM   #2
Senior Member
Registered: Nov 2001
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Distribution: SuSE 6.4-11.3, Dsl linux, FreeBSD 4.3-6.2, Mandrake 8.2, Redhat, UHU, Debian Etch
Posts: 1,126

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Rep: Reputation: 58
Problem solved: after upgrading the foo2zjs driver (no help), OpenOffice (no help), I finally upgraded Ghostscript to version 8.51, and this latter solved the issue: my color images are finally printed correctly.


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