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Old 12-05-2002, 12:27 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2002
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Microsoft wheel optical mouse not working on mandrake 9

Hi there!!

Since Im completely new on linux I dint get to fix this problem and have been looking for an answer everywhere but still didnt find it.

I have a Microsoft Wheel Optical Mouse(USB) during the installation it did work fine. Once I got into KDE my coursor gets stucked on the top left corner of the screen but I can move the mice and see that the cousor is over the icons, they get highlighted.

There was a guy here who have posted the exact same problem and I tried that hint rashaw gave to him to edit the xf86config and add the following line on >Section "device"<
Option "sw_coursor"

But it still didnt work. I dont know what else to do, so if somebody could give me a hand I would appretiate.

Thx a lot in advance!!


Last edited by wellisch; 12-05-2002 at 12:33 PM.
Old 12-05-2002, 08:02 PM   #2
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there's several "device-sections" in XF86Config ...

Are you sure you got the right one? :}

Also, Linux is case-sensitive ... a file xf86config
won't work, unless you explicitely hand that as a
parameter to your XFree86-call ...
like "XFree86 -xf86config xf86config"

Old 12-05-2002, 08:39 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
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for me it worked fine, I have a Intelimouse optical mouse, I attached it to the USB, from the beggining and then installed mandrake 9, and it works correctly, the wheel works fine for me.
Old 12-09-2002, 10:06 AM   #4
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hey! Thx for the replies!!


I have only found one device line. Looked for another one and didnt find anything that could match

I am almost giving up... I have tried almost everything and nothing works!! I have even tried a different mouse, serial one, and it still doesnt work.

I think it could be the video card or something else that I really cant figure out.

How can I make Xfree86 to call xf86config??

thx a lot in advance

Old 12-09-2002, 02:09 PM   #5
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Originally posted by wellisch
hey! Thx for the replies!!


How can I make Xfree86 to call xf86config??

thx a lot in advance

Scroll up, mate, scroll up :)

That's how you'd do it from the commandline,
and good enough for experimenting ... do a
killall kdm, gdm or xdm - depending on what
you're running ...

If it works then, we'll try to get sussed what
distro you have and which files you'd have to
touch to automatically run what you intend.... of
course you could just
"cp /etc/X11/xf86config /etc/X11/XF86Config" :)

Old 06-16-2003, 02:56 PM   #6
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Question Wireless USB itelli mouse

Hi all, first post here,

I also have a similar problem

I am running Mandrake 9.0 on a 2.4GHz c P4 (Hyperthreading & 800MHz FSB) and a Gigabyte 8PENXP board (2x usb2 6xusb1.1)
Dual Boot XP Pro/Mandrake 9.0

During the install the mouse worked fine.

Then after booting into KDE for the first time the mouse moved up/down on screen when i moved left/right, moving the mouse up/down had no effect. Also, if moving the mouse up/down whilst holding a button the mouse would move diagnoly up/left or down/left and get stuck on the left of my screen.

If anyone can point me to a solution it would be great.

I can be contacted at or leave a reply here (or both )

Looks like a great board, looking to spend more time here

Thanks again
Old 06-16-2003, 03:43 PM   #7
Registered: Feb 2003
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Try logging on, opening a console (it isn't too difficult to do this without a mouse - hit the windows key on the k/board, then use up/down buttons to get to terminals..etc). Then su to root, and type mousedrake <enter>. Choose each usb mouse type in turn. After choosing (hit enter on your choice) cloick OK, then close the window - Alt-F4 then log out and press Alt-E to restart the x-server. You may need to try Ctrl-Alt-Backspace instead. Then log in and see if it works. Continue until it does, hopefully.


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