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Old 07-01-2006, 09:33 PM   #1
Registered: Aug 2005
Distribution: Ubuntu Intrepid and Meerkat, formerly used Debian 3.1 (Sarge) with Gnome Desktop
Posts: 353

Rep: Reputation: 37
Microphone & Multimedia settings problems

Hello all,

I am using Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger) / Gnome desktop

I have a Realtec ALC880 integrated audio controller on the motherboard which also has an Intel 925SE chipset.

I am having a problem with getting the microphone to work. I am also having a problem when I perform an input test using the Multimedia Settings panel in Gnome.

The microphone will not work at all.

Multimedia settings locks up when I perform an input test when either OSS or ALSA is selected as the input pipe.

Sound playback works OK, CDs playback OK, Skype sound works OK (except mic) and the Gnome system sounds work OK.

I have checked the settings in the ALSA mixer and to my knowledge they look correct, (Though I am unsure how to correctly operate the CAPTURE settings, I am not sure if CAPTURE in red means on or off and I am not sure how to link a sound input channel to a CAPTURE channel).

I am also unsure if my ALSA-BASE configuration file is correct.

If there is anyone here who is an ace at solving audio hardware problems, I would be very keen to hear from you.

Old 07-02-2006, 09:26 AM   #2
Registered: May 2004
Location: Student of University of Mumbai, Maharastra State, India
Distribution: Redhat Linux 9.0, Knoppix LIVE CD, Ubuntu Live CD, Kubuntu Live CD
Posts: 483

Rep: Reputation: 30
I am not an ace, not an expert also. But, as far as my experience with Redhat Linux 9.0 goes, I think, you would have to keep the volume of the microphone to the highest, to get "some" sound out of your speaker.


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