SUCCESS! I am now running Linux with support for the PCI Promise Ultra100 controller card and I have an official NVIDIA graphics driver installed. However, I had to jump ship to a different version of Linux in order to achieve victory…PCLinuxOS preview .91.
Thanks to
kilgoretrout (in the forum) for making the recommendation to give PCLinuxOS a try.
For a while, I was caught in a conundrum:
1) EITHER, I was running SimplyMEPIS 3.3.1-1
- Without support for the PCI Promise Ultra100 controller
- SimplyMEPIS comes prepackaged with an official NVIDIA graphics driver
2) OR, I was running PCLinuxOS p.91
- With support for the PCI Promise Ultra100 controller
- But PCLinuxOS did not come prepackaged with an official NVIDIA graphics driver.
Pertinent to this post, the PC contains a PCI Promise Ultra100 controller card and an NVIDIA GeForce2 GTS graphics card. It took me a while to get PCLinuxOS to install an official NVIDIA graphics driver for my specific NVIDIA card. First, I followed the instructions of
davecs (
instructions) but without success...(note for later: the DKMS-nvidia package installed the NVIDIA 7676 driver). I thought maybe I needed to use a different version of the NVIDIA driver, so I went to the NVIDIA website to see what driver they recommend. At first glance, it appeared that they were recommending the 7676 driver. Since it APPEARED that 7676 was the correct driver version for my card, I convinced myself that I was doing something wrong. I then went and read the readme file (
readme) that comes with the NVIDIA graphics driver. In Appendix A , it stated that the 7676 driver did not support my NVIDIA GeForce2 GTS graphics card.
I knew that SimplyMEPIS 3.3.1-1 had an official NVIDIA graphics driver, so I booted in to SimplyMEPIS to find out what version of NVIDIA graphics driver it was using. It turns out that SimplyMEPIS was using NVIDIA graphics driver 7174. With this knowledge in hand, I searched the PCLinuxOS forums for instructions on installing the NVIDIA 7174 driver. Thankfully,
ikerekes posted a superb set of instructions for installing the NVIDIA 7174 driver (
instructions for installing NVIDIA 7174). I now have BOTH PCI Ultra100 (and access to all drives connected to the PCI Ultra100) and an official NVIDIA graphics driver. I am a happy user of PCLinuxOS preview .91. I’ll continue to keep an eye on both SimplyMEPIS and PCLinuxOS. I look forward to the next version of each.