I, and a lot of people have had trouble with this mouse - i'm one of them - you can look at another thread all about it here -
http://www.linuxquestions.org/questi...e&pagenumber=2 - or i'll list the steps below.
Well, first you will have to log in a console.
Under Linux you can switch from the XWindows screen to several console screens by using the CTRL-ALT-FX combination of keys (where X can vary from 1 to 12 as FX means the Function keys).
So you have to switch to console 1 : press CTRL-ALT-F1
Then enter "root" as the login (root is the super user : the administrator that as all power on the system).
and the password you entered during the installation process.
Ok, now you must have a shell prompt (something like root@localhost# )
Type :
modprobe -r usbmouse
modprobe hid
Go back to the XWindows display with the CTRL-ALT-F7 keys (F7 is traditionally used as the Windowed Display under linux)
Your mouse should work fine.
Open a text editor as root by clicking on the appropriate icon - it depends on your favorite Windows Manager that is usually KDE or Gnome under Mandrake (you need to have root priviledges to modify the configuration files).
Open the /etc/modules.conf file and had the hid key word at the end of the appropriate line (every line containing something that looks like uhci-usb)
save (need root priviledges BEFORE launching the text editor - you could logoff your curent unpriviledge user and logon as root to do it simply) and quit.
After a reboot, the mouse should be OK.
Sorry about the simple language but that's how i asked to get it explained to me.
The graphics, well, I just selected a VGA monitor and put it at 1024X720@32bpp and it worked.
Hope your mouse works, it should!