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Old 02-05-2024, 05:23 AM   #1
Registered: Jan 2013
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M.2 WiFi card compatibility - CNVio


I've got a question about hardware compatibility of M.2 WiFi cards. I have a laptop with an Intel AC-9560 WiFi E-key M.2 card, and I'm throwing it out for being a defective model. I won't bother explaining why, just google it and you'll see. Anyway, I'm looking for a new M.2 card to use, but there are some caveats. This AC-9560 is a CNVio card according to its specs (see product page on link below). CNVio is Intel's proprietary interface for handling wireless cards (, and it works with the same M.2 hardware slot as the PCI-E bus. CNVio is the first generation of this interface, but there is also a second generation, CNVio2, and the two are not compatible according to that wikipedia page. What's more, the wiki says that CNVio works only with specific hardware - Intel gen 8 and 9 processors only.

Anyway, my question is: Are these M.2 slots that originally held a CNVio card also compatible with non-CNVio WiFi cards i.e. PCI-E/USB NGFF cards? Or does the card have to be a CNVio card? I was looking to buy an AX200 M.2 card or maybe one with realtek or atheros chipset. My laptop is an Acer Predator PH317-52.

AC9560 = CNVio:
AX200 = PCIe/USB:
AX201 = CNVio2:

Thanks in advance.
Old 02-05-2024, 09:27 AM   #2
Timothy Miller
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GENERALLY speaking, yes, they are. I've replaced many 9560's and AX201's in years past with AX200's and then AX210's.


cnvio, intel, m.2, ngff, wifi

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