I have a LFS6.0 "busy box" with two devices connected via USB. The first is my cable modem, the second is an HP DJ970CXi.
Ok, if both devices are powered up when I boot, then they work fine. However if one is powered down and then back up again, it stops working.
I can get the cable modem working again by doing a
/etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart
(which is a pain, but doable) but I can't get the printer to work without a reboot
Ideally, I'd like both devices to just work if they get power cycled (or even better, if they get switched on after boot) but I'd settle for a command (like the one for the printer) that will cause the printer to start working (obviously, without a reboot!)
I've tried restarting cups but that hasn't worked.
Anyone have any ideas?