I am a newb and am setting up mythtv. i have it all just about done except for my remote. i have an ati remote wonder. lirc can be used and so by following a tutorial, i was able to make a atiremote.conf file for it. i then made the .lircrc file and do not know where to put it. when i start up lirc like:
./lircd -d /dev/lirc0 /home/mythtv/atiremote.conf
i can run irw and when i press buttons i see that they are being captured, but i have put the .lircrc file in the root, /usr/sbin/ (which is where lircd is located), in my /home/mythtv folder, in my /home/mythtv/.mythtv folder, and after i start up lirc, and enter mythtv, the remote still is sending signals, since i can check it with irw, but nothing happens in the mythfrontend
again, please give me the full commands or instructions, since i am still a newb
