They would only work with Sony's hardware. And either way, the drivers themselves will be proprietary; it's not like the community is ever going to get to see them.
what do you mean? what other hardware would you like it to work with!? lol. unless you mean that the wifi wont work with normal wifi hardware, and the bluetooth wont work with normal bluetooth etc. in which case you're wrong because its all industry standard i think. at least i know the wifi is because the psp is industry standard, and the ps3 will be able to be used with the psp.
If they never release the drivers for the Linux community (which they won't given all the fierce competition out there) then how will the effect ever be seen by Linux users? And how will the average person buying a PS3 ever realize that Linux is running the thing? How many game counsel owners do you even think look into this stuff? And last but not least, how many people in that minority who do realize that this thing they've never heard of before called Linux is running their counsel will look into it deeper? And how many of those people will try installing a distro? Perhaps a literal 1%.
quite wether the ps3 will come pre installed with a version of linux is not yet known, but i was refering to the people who will install it themselves. and a lot of people will do that. it comes with a 60gb hdd, and sony will be promoting linux support 90% because it will piss off microsoft. so very shortly after it is released, there will be ps3 distros popping up.
maybe you're right, maybe no one will bother, but i dont think this will be the case. someone will make a distro that is easy to use and install, and then it will be all over the gaming networks on the internet. it will become popular very easily. i mean, with sony trying their hardest to stop it, the psp has become a homebrew goldmine.
The people who rush out and buy these things aren't tech savvy enough to even install a distribution without nuking their Windows partition. Most of them have pre-built systems and can't do anything like this themselves. And even if there was a big red sticker on the front of the machine saying "POWERED BY LINUX" the people who see it will assume that it is some tech jargon thing they can't understand.
im not saying they all are, but im not saying they're all not. even if it does nothing more than associate the word "linux" with the prettyness of XGL it will be benificiant
Those who do know what Linux is either hate it or are already using it.
my point exactly. thats why i think the ps3 could be good for promoting linux