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Old 04-29-2003, 01:54 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Linux and GSM

The setup is as follows:

Laptop Voyager 3000
CPU: PII 266 mHz
MEM: 32 MB
HD: 2 Gig

Currently the installed OS is Windos 98SE.
I use it in conjunction with an Siemens M35i cellular phone.
I got the data cable including the modem drivers and the software for Windows.

I have booted the laptop a few times using a knoppix bootable cd.
What I would like to do is to use this machine as an security auditing tool and I find knoppix would be quit suitable to accomplish this task.
However, I am sorta MS spoiled and therefore a *nixnoob.
I have some experience and I am not afraid of that command line.
I used mandrake, redhat and a bit of slack before.

For some reason I cannot connect to the net using my Siemens mobile phone.
The phone is connected through the first serial port.
The KPPP utility did not find the modem in /dev/modem so I tried /dev/ttyS0. It reckonized something cuz it told me the modem was ready.
However the test showed me the following:
I opened up the terminal and tried:
The phone started dialing and I got a quick response telling me:
Next I tried the ISP number and got connected.
Whenever I tried to type a command (like ath) however I got hung up as soon as I started typing.
When I tried:
echo atdt+6ISPNUMBER > /dev/ttyS0
I got nothing.

I configured KPPP for the account I want to use and press connect.
No connection is established.
The 'Busy connecting' screen shows me 'modem is being initialised' and the log window shows me 'expecting ok'. There is no dial made.

The device is configured as follows:
Modem-device /dev/ttyS0
Flow-controle Hardware[CRTSCTS] (I tried software XON/XOFF)
Line end CR (I tried others)
Speed 19200 (same as in windos, tried other speeds)

Now my question:
Am I missing something ?
How can I get my device to work under linux ?

I would not mind installing knoppix on the hard drive if that would be neccesary.

Any help would be appreciated !

Old 04-29-2003, 10:56 PM   #2
Senior Member
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you may need to grep th windows .ini files on the driver disk to see what commands are being sent to the modem as a setup string. It may be something as simple as telling it not to wait for a dialtone before dialing.

I'm not familiar with the Siemens mobile phones, but I have used the Nokia 7100 and 6185i successfully in many flavors of Linux. Both those phones have a built-in modem that presents itself to the serial port as a plain-jane modem. Actually they worked better in Linux as I would get kicked at random in Win98. My old Nokia 6190 had a serial interface, but all the 'modem' parts were merely software drivers on the Windows side.


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