Linksys WPC54GS under linux
I am after foolishly buying a Linksys WPC54GS wireless pc adapter card. I was able to get this working under Fedora Core 5 with Network Manager and Gnome but after an unspecified time the laptop would hang, this did not happen when either network manager or the wireless adapter was disabled. I was using Linuxant for the use of the Windows drivers under Linux. I found out that the stack size could be to blame as Fedora has a stack of 4Kb and the windows drivers need 12Kb.
I recently moved to Ubuntu 6.06 LTS and was wondering if anyone had gotten this piece of hardware to work under Ubuntu or any other distribution?
Also can anyone tell me if Ubuntu has changed the stack size from the default?
Will the WPC54GS work under SuSE 10.1 or should I just use a wired ethernet connection?