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Old 08-16-2002, 01:30 PM   #1
CL volunteer
Registered: Jul 2002
Location: illinois
Distribution: Collegelinux and Libranet
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laptop overheats...

I have a compaq 715us laptop and I run libranet on it, but when I am doing something like ripping a cd or recompiling the kernel, the laptop will overheat and shutdown, I have found a patch for acpi but when I try to apply it, I cp it to /usr/src and then try to patch it but it always says that it skips the patch, am I doing something wrong? Or could someone tell me how to solve this problem?

Old 08-18-2002, 05:03 PM   #2
Registered: Mar 2002
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I know certain modern laptops let you set it up in BIOS for cooling off the CPU at idle time or simply slowing it down. Another thing is you could put a fan next to the area that heat comes out. Usually on farther left side, maybe on the back or farther right.
Old 08-19-2002, 01:56 AM   #3
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I think you are on the right path with enabling ACPI.

Where did this patch come from? Is is one specific to the 715us? What kernel is it a patch against? What kernel are you running in Libranet?

Actually I'm a little surprised that you have to apply a special patch over what is originally available in the later 2.4.x kernels. Are you running an older kernel?

Finally, are you new to compiling kernels? I mean, I'm assuming you are doing the normal "make xconfig dep bzImage modules modules_install" thing right.
Old 01-28-2003, 09:14 PM   #4
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since I have posted this I have figured out how to insall the patch for the latest acpi and I also have used an application called kacpi which tells me the battery life and if it is charging or not. I can put the url for kacpi in here if someone wants but I dont have it with me now.
Old 01-28-2003, 09:21 PM   #5
Registered: Dec 2002
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Re: laptop overheats...

Originally posted by riddlebox80
I have a compaq 715us laptop and I run libranet on it, but when I am doing something like ripping a cd or recompiling the kernel, the laptop will overheat and shutdown, I have found a patch for acpi but when I try to apply it, I cp it to /usr/src and then try to patch it but it always says that it skips the patch, am I doing something wrong? Or could someone tell me how to solve this problem?

Be careful...I have heard several instances where laptops either blew up and/or burned people severely lately. There's quite a joke about it on the UseNet.


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