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Old 03-31-2004, 04:57 AM   #1
Registered: Mar 2004
Distribution: RedHat
Posts: 99

Rep: Reputation: 15
Lan card installation with vendor supplied driver.


I am trying to install a SURECOM EP-320X-S Lan card on my Linux RedHat 6.2 version (kernel: 2.2.14-12) which don't have built in support for driver.
I got driver from its installation CD, and there was ep320xs.tar.gz file inside it...

after untar this file I got followings:

kern_compat.h and

There is no README/INSTALL file available. so, i can't figure out what to do next ???

Anyone can suggest me how can i make the card up and working??

Old 03-31-2004, 05:29 AM   #2
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If there's a makefile, I would suggest opening a terminal, su-ing to root, cd-ing to the directory and typing "make" (without the quotes). This would presumably make the driver module. Whether it would then install it automatically I don't know, but I would hope that if it did not that there would be further instructions printed to the screen at the conclusion of the make operation. It is possible that you will need to have the kernel source installed as well, but again, without a readme, that's hard to say. Can't hurt .

According to the filelist of the driver on this site, there should be a readme in the /Linux folder (or you could download the driver again from that site and see if it includes the readme that your CD apparently lacks), but if you really can't find it, I would suggest going to this SURECOM forums post, which will suggest that you either:

1. update your kernel (because later kernels have support for this model built in)


2. leads to, where you should click English in the sidebar (unless you read Taiwanese), then Downloads, then type MTD803 in the search box, then download the most current drivers for whichever kernel series you're using, and follow the instructions contained inside the archive.

Hope this helps.
Old 04-01-2004, 12:47 AM   #3
Registered: Mar 2004
Distribution: RedHat
Posts: 99

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 15
Hi Motub,

Thanks for reply..i did a little further nailing and i seems like this card have to install like module...can you just advice me something ?

I tried to make module with make command. It even creating two file mtd80x.o and pci-scan.o files. And also showing an error message:

make: *** Warning: Clock skew detected. Your build may be incomplete.

I think this my making problem...

at this point, give me some suggestion,

once i successfully creat modules files..(mtd80x.o and pci-scan.o), I need to place them at /lib/modules/2.2.14-12/net directory and make an entry at /etc/conf.modules file like,

alias etc0 mtd80x

Is that right ?? If right, what about IRQ and other memory related setting... (where to set them?)

Plz note: I am trying to do it without kernel updating..i know linux 9.0 has built in support of this driver..but wanna play around it and develop my skill.



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