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Old 04-27-2006, 01:35 AM   #1
Registered: Oct 2003
Location: Tennessee
Distribution: Devuan 3.0 (Beowulf)
Posts: 218

Rep: Reputation: 18
Konica Minolta magicolor 2430dl always "busy"

I set up my brand new color laser printer as a networked printer using Windows 2k pro. (I chose it because recommended it.) I was able to print a test page. Now I want to set it up for Fedora Core 3. I followed the explicit instructions in the reference guide provided by Minolta--to a point.

When I first set it up, I accidently reversed 168 and 192 (Do'h). I went back in and modified this. When that didn't work, I deleted the printer and started over. I can ping and the printer responds just fine, but no test page ever prints. It just sits there in the queue. The green ready light on the printer blinks and the display says "energy saving".

Here are the settings according to the CUPS html page when I click on "Manage Printers":

Description: minolta
Printer State: processing, accepting jobs.
"Network host '' is busy; will retry in 30 seconds..."
Device URI: socket://

Here's /etc/cups/ppd/minolta.ppd (edited for length):
*PPD-Adobe: "4.3"
*% Adobe Systems Printer Description File
*% For "KONICA MINOLTA magicolor 2430 DL"
*% Created :    06/22/04
*% Modified:    04/29/05
*% Platform:    Linux/Mac OS X

*FormatVersion: "4.3"
*FileVersion: "1.3.0"
*LanguageVersion: English
*LanguageEncoding: ISOLatin1
*PCFileName: "KM2430DL.PPD"
*Manufacturer: "KONICA MINOLTA"
*Product: "(magicolor 2430 DL)"
*cupsVersion: 1.1
*cupsManualCopies: False
*cupsFilter: "application/vnd.cups-raster 0 rastertokm2430dl"
*cupsModelNumber: 0
*ModelName: "KONICA MINOLTA magicolor 2430 DL"
*ShortNickName: "magicolor 2430 DL"
*NickName: "KONICA MINOLTA magicolor 2430 DL"
*PSVersion: "(3010.000) 550"
*LanguageLevel: "3"
*ColorDevice: True
*DefaultColorSpace: CMYK
*FileSystem: False
*Throughput: "16"
*%AccurateScreensSupport: True
*%SuggestedJobTimeOut: 0
*%SuggestedWaitTimeOut: 300
*LandscapeOrientation: Plus90
*VariablePaperSize: True
*TTRasterizer: Type42

*cupsFlipDuplex: True

*% ===General Information and Defaults ======================

*% ===Installable Options ==================================

I cut a huge amount of stuff here....

*%---Copyright (c) 2005 by KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. All Rights Reserved.---
*% end of PPD file for magicolor 2430 DL
Here's the stripped out version of cupsd.conf:
LogFilePerm 0600
MaxLogSize 2000000000
LogLevel info
Printcap /etc/printcap
<Location />
Order Deny,Allow
Deny From All
Allow From
<Location /admin>
AuthType Basic
AuthClass System
Order Deny,Allow
Deny From All
Allow From
<Location /printers/minolta>
Order Deny,Allow
Deny From All
Allow From
AuthType None
Allow from All
Browsing On
BrowseProtocols cups
BrowseOrder Deny,Allow
BrowseAllow from @LOCAL
Listen *:631
Another potential problem is is a dynamically assigned IP address, but I'll cross that bridge later. (I'd like to be able to turn the thing off most of the time. This could be a problem if another computer grabbed the printer's IP address while it was powered down.)

Last edited by tnandy; 05-01-2006 at 10:00 PM.
Old 05-01-2006, 09:50 PM   #2
Registered: Oct 2003
Location: Tennessee
Distribution: Devuan 3.0 (Beowulf)
Posts: 218

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 18
Interestingly, the instructions that come with the printer and the downloaded reference guide are...incomplete. I have found no documentation on the printer front panel controls whatsoever so far.

Although the printer was by default set up to allow DHCP to set its IP address, the IP it was assigned by my router (which was the IP address I used in the CUPS interface settings) and the IP address the printer thought it had been assigned were different. Using the controls on the printer's front panel, I turned DHCP off and set a fixed IP address. Once I coordinated the CUPS settings with the new address, everything worked. These CUPS settings were specified in the downloaded reference guide except for location (leave it blank).

If I'd crossed that bridge in the first place, I'd never have had this problem. Alas. The good news is, this printer now works without a hitch from both Linux and Windows.


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