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Old 08-22-2004, 11:13 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2003
Location: Clackamas
Distribution: Slackware 10
Posts: 8

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Keyboard/Mouse Input Freezes - Slackware 10 - Powerbutton fixes it

Hi, I've been having this very annoying problem recently in Slackware. I can boot up perfectly and do all the usual Linux stuff like surf the web and play Quake 3.

But once in a while when there is lots of activity on my computer or just randomly, my mouse and keyboard inputs freeze. Everything else is running including X and the usual applications.

Then when that happens, what I do is hit the power button and everything is amazingly restored. The keyboard and mouse work correctly after that, and everything is unfrozen, but the mouse spazzes out if I was issueing commands while it was frozen.

This happens often within a linux session, and it is annoying whenever I have to hit the power button while fragging on Quake 3.

I used to have Mandrake 9.1 and this problem never occured, I read that it might be a reiserfs problem, but I'm not sure. I'm currently running Slackware 10, and I'm running a configured kernel 2.4.26.

Does anyone have this problem or a solution to this annoyance? Thanks.


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