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Old 08-21-2006, 05:56 AM   #1
Andy Hunter
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Registered: Dec 2005
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Question kernel source query for Intel-536ep

Hello everybody

I'm trying to install the driver for an Intel-536ep based internal hardware modem but am getting stuck at the 'make' stage.

The Makefile calls another file that checks to see if the kernel source modules have been included by running the following command...

if [ -a /lib/modules/$KERNVER/build/include/linux/autoconf.h ]; then

Trouble is that I have installed the kernel sources (confirmed by YaST) and this file structure does not exist on my system.

There is an autoconfig.h file in the following location...


Is this the correct autoconfig file? The installation files are for SuSE 9.1 with kernels 2.4 and 2.6 however I have SuSE 10.1 with kernel Is it just a case of SuSE messing about with the location of the installed kernel sources in the make files?

Any information would be very much appreciated. Please bear in mind that I'm relatively new to Linux.


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