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Old 06-23-2006, 05:19 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2006
Posts: 3

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Kernel Panic after plugging in and out a USB device several times

Hi All,

I am new to Linux and moved to this platform recently from Windows to reduce my dependence on the latter

I had installed FC4 on my computer. Sometime back, I had plugged in and out a USB device several times since it was not being detected by the operating system (Incidentally FC4 had detected the same USB device the first time I plugged it in). Then once I bagan to shut down my computer, it hanged. And then when I restarted, it gave me errors like "Kernel Panic! Tried to kill init process..." etc. I wanted to see the exact error messages once again and produce it in this forum, but unfortunately it takes me to a "grub>" prompt now. I understand this is something like the MS-DOS prompt. Do let me know the solution and why this happened. Is this a problem with the hardware or with the OS? And is my USB port corrupted?

Hoping that my honeymoon with Linux will not be short.

Old 06-23-2006, 06:43 AM   #2
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If you plug in and out an USB device without unmounting it, it may be damaged, thus not recognized by the OS.
Regarding your grub prompt, it may be that you took out your USB device while Linux was still working on it, deleting or corrupting important init files. So, ALWAYS unmount your USB devices, both in Windows and Linux.
Old 06-26-2006, 08:20 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
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Hi Hammett,

Thanks for the reply. I totally agree that I have to mount/unmount my USB devices. But the problem I has was that my USB device just won't mount for me to unmount it! (In fact I had unmounted my USB the first time when Fedora recognized it). Hence I was forced to remove it manually.

However, how do I overcome this problem? I am not even able to reinstall Linux through a CD/DVD. The installation just hangs. Can you help me out? I saw some other threads where there were similar problems, but was not able to understand the solution.

Do suggest some solutions and if possible, let me know the other threads which will have a solution to this problem.

Old 06-30-2006, 04:16 AM   #4
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2006
Posts: 3

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Hi Everybody,

Is there no one to help me solve this problem???



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