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Old 05-29-2003, 01:47 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2003
Posts: 2

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Kernel not reading all available RAM

I'm running Slackware 9.0 (kernel 2.4.20) on a box with an Athlon 2400XP processor and 1.5gig of 333mhz RAM.
The BIOS correctly reports 1536M of available memory and in testing with various versions of Win (95, 98, 2k and XP), I have been able (with a bit of tweaking for 95 & 98) to access the full 1.5gig. I am therefore thinking that I can discount a hardware problem.
I have recompiled the kernel with both the 4G High Memory option and the High Memory I/O option and I have tried passing "append='mem=1500M'" to the kernel in lilo.config.
None of these seem to have made a difference as the available memory being reported is 960M, regardless of option.
I have also tried asking for help from the Slackware NG, but got no constructive responses, and some good wishes.

Have I missed something in my configuration? Is there anything else that I need to do to be able to use the full amount of memory?

Old 05-29-2003, 04:04 PM   #2
LQ Guru
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video chip?

Do you have an on board video chip that sets aside main memory for use as video memory? If so check your bios video settings.
Old 05-29-2003, 09:04 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2003
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Thanks for the suggestion.
I'm using a video card, but checked anyway and it looked fine.
Funny thing is that my syslog is giving me a warning that only 896M will be used and to use a HIGHMEM enabled kernel. But my kernel is properly configured as evidenced in the .config.


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