re: Blu-Ray for RHEL 5.3 - LG BH08LS20/CentOS issue
I'll jump in on this one too as I'm having a problem with the LG BH08LS20, Rev. 2.00, on CentOS 5.4. It's been in use for a week or so as a backup device running nightly out of cron. I'm creating a 3+GB iso image, then burning it to the disk with:
/usr/bin/growisofs -use-the-force-luke=tty -dvd-compat -Z /dev/scd0=img.iso
After the burn step the script tries to mount the disk and write the output of "df -vh" and "ls -alF /mnt/dvd" to the log file. The mount step fails, however, giving the impresssion in the email of the log file that the backup failed. I remote in and check it when this happens, and find that the iso image was created and the image successfully burned to the disk, but the mount obviously failed. I've tried inserting a sleep command (5 minutes) after the burn step, and running "fuser -vk" on both the device name and the mount point before the mount step. Nothing's worked so far.
This error message gets written out from the burn step after the "/dev/scd0: closing session" message"
:-[ CLOSE SESSION failed with SK=5h/ASC-24h/ACQ=00h]: Input/output error
My next step is to pull the reporting function from the backup script and run the reporting stuff out of cron an hour after the backup job (which so far takes around 7 minutes).
If that works I'll stop digging into this, but I'm relating my experience in case it will help anyone - and also in hopes that someone will read it and have an "AHA" reaction that points to a solution...