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Old 08-10-2003, 07:21 PM   #1
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: GA
Distribution: Fedora Core 4 Desktop/Server.
Posts: 361

Rep: Reputation: 30
Unhappy internal USR 2976 modem

I've been looking around for answers to this for a while now. I just recently installed mandrake and now have everything set up to the point that I would like it at, except the internet.

I have two internet connection. One is Direcway, and the other is a dialup connection. From what I've read, direcway seems like it is a hassle to set up, and I do not want to attempt anything too extreme being as new to this operating system as I am.

My main question then is about my modem. Mandrake simply will not detect it. I believe my modem's model number is 2976, and I know it is a US Robotics. I downloaded the drivers and have been in a world of trouble with it since. Once I install the .rpm for it, on startup I get an error about it, which I'm not sure are right now because I'm on my xp partition.

I've been to and all of the like, and searched google endlessly and can see that a lot of people have problems with modems in linux.

Also, at the point I am at, it tells me to create /etc/forgetthefilename.conf, I can post the filename in the next post if needed for some reason. It won't let me create that file, and when I try to from a terminal it says permission denied, while I'm logged in as root.

If you do respond, please elaborate because I am new to linux, although I would like to start using it as much as possible and do a full conversion to it. Thank in advance.
Old 08-10-2003, 07:25 PM   #2
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: GA
Distribution: Fedora Core 4 Desktop/Server.
Posts: 361

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Rep: Reputation: 30
Well, I remember the file it won't let me create and also does not exist. It is resolv.conf, hope this helps in some way.


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