I've tried searching and reading other threads/sites and I'm still having trouble so I'll start a thread and see if anyone can assist.
I'm using Ubuntu 6.06 with all the latest downloads/patches for it. I have (pretty much) everything running as I want apart from my mouse - I want the back/forward buttons to work as back/forward buttons in Firefox (if it could work in anything else as well cool but I'd be happy with just Firefox)
I've got imwheel installed and I've set up
xorg.conf as follows:
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Configured Mouse"
Driver "mouse"
Option "CorePointer"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
Option "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2"
Option "Buttons" "7"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "6 7"
I've altered the file
/bin/X11/imwheel/startup.conf so that imwheel should start with X.
I've created a file
/home/user/.imwheelrc as follows:
None, Up, Alt_L|Left
None, Down, Alt_L|Right
None, Up, Alt_L|Left
None, Down, Alt_L|Right
And I have a file that runs at startup with the following command in it:
exec xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 2 3 6 7 4 5" &
exec imwheel -k -b "67" &
But when ubuntu starts up my side buttons work exactly the same as my left mouse button and if I roll the wheel then I get the forward/back button functionality (up goes back in my URL history and down goes forwards)
If I run the command xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 2 3 6 7 4 5" then I get the following output:
xmodmap: commandline:1: bad number of buttons, must have 11 instead of 7
xmodmap: 1 error encountered, aborting.
This confuses me as I can understand my mouse being considered as a 7 button mouse (left, middle, right, wheelup, wheeldown, sidebutton1, sidebutton2) but I can't understand where the other 4 buttons would come into play.
I'm totally stuck now and have no more ideas. Although I'm a total newbie when it comes to using Linux I'm a fairly competent computer user and this is just something that I want to be able to get past as this is just one of a couple of minor iritations that is stopping me from dumping XP altogether.
Any help would be greatful