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hairydan 01-14-2004 08:53 PM

bonnie78, I'll have to work on where it's crashing with the A02 BIOS.

It time to try a clean reinstall of RH9 with the A02 BIOS in place; all previous installations were performed with A03 BIOS in place. I'll let you know of my results.

ebdr 01-15-2004 05:38 PM


I just bought a new Dell Dimension 4600 which came with an integrated intel 865G video card. I am getting the exact problem described on this thread. So I followed the instructions and tried installing the D4600A02 BIOS with no luck . I keep getting the message: "do you want to install bois version A02?" , loads the image, and display the sdame message again and again....


hairydan 01-19-2004 04:56 PM

Success!!! Whoo-hoo!!
bonnie78 and everyone - thanks for your help!

I've just finished reinstalling RH9 - the video looks great now - a full 1024x768 resolution.

The trick was:
1) Flash the BIOS with A02. left video RAM set to 1 Mb.
2) Reinstall RH9 - do a clean install, format the HD Drives
3) run firstboot - the XFree86 configuration utility suggests 16 Mb of video RAM for the Dell 1800 FP/Intel 865 card, so I agreed. Too much vram, because now XFree86 won't boot. So I changed the vram to 8 Mb, and rebooted. During the reboot, run the BIOS Setup utility and change the vram to 8 Mb. Reboot, and it all works like a charm!

Thanks for all the help!!!

MultiBooter 01-27-2004 07:13 AM

Dell a02 Bios Gone
Dell seems to have pulled their GX270 A01 and A02 Bios' from their Website. Does any have a copy of the A02? :D I would like to try that one first. rather than going all the way back to A01 if I can. The link to A01 further up the thread still works though (for now) so I downloaded it already. Thanks in Advance.:)

bonnie78 01-27-2004 08:40 AM

file is called gx270a02.exe ...

MultiBooter 01-27-2004 09:57 AM

:( Sorry bonnie78, I tried that, but it won't let me have a directory listing and eventually my ftp client times out.:cry:

bonnie78 01-27-2004 10:06 AM

well it works for me (TM). with both mozilla-1.6 and ncftp3 ...

marekreid 01-27-2004 10:20 AM

I have a very similar problem with my graphics, except it wont load the window system at all.
I have a Gigabyte GA-8IG1000 with a Intel 865 chipset. I have tried everything from the standard vga with everything turned down as low as possible to the intel 810 etc. All with no luck.
I am attempting to run Debian with the kernal that comes with the latest distro.
Can anyone please help me?

MultiBooter 01-27-2004 11:55 AM

bonnie78: It worked! I was trying to access the site using Windoze and I have some security setting in ie or my firewall too tight. I was able to retreive the file and am looking at the screen at hires even now. Thanks a bunch!:p

BlaYO 01-31-2004 06:54 AM

Dell OptiPlex GX270

It works ok at 1024x768@24 with BIOS downgraded to 02 and video RAM set to 8 MB in its configuration. Working refresh rates for 1024x768 flat panel monitor are 31 - 50 for horizontal and 40 - 70 for vertical. These settings make driver detect three resolutions (1024,800,640) all @ 60Hz. If You need higher refresh rates, read your monitor manual and set refresh rates acordingly.



calo 02-03-2004 12:24 PM

Display Error: DELL E172FP with Card 82865G
Hi Bonnie78

could you help me!

I have the next problem:

I install RH 9
I have a DELL Optiplex GX270 with a monitor DELL E172FP and a Video Card: Intel 82865G Graphics Controller 64 MB Memory (this info was displayed in windows xp)

When I choice Thousands of colors depth of color, doesn't matter the resolution, the appearance is always like 800 * 640. When I choice Millions of colors depth, the computer generates a log .

Could you help me? I'm beginner in Linux.

Best Regards

P.D. Sorry by my English :(

calo 02-03-2004 12:32 PM

log file
Bonnie78, this is my log

tell me, how can I send you my log file?

timmytwotoes 02-05-2004 08:59 AM

X display: Dimension 4600 with 865G
I recently purchased a Dimension 4600 with the intel 865G chipset. I'm having display problems, 640x480 resolution, nothing higher. XFree86 version 4.3.0. Bios version a09 (or a07 I can't remember). I tried changing the video ram in the bios from 1MB to 8MB but I still have display problems and the same X log message in either case "Pre-allocated VideoRAM: 892 kByte". Seems like Dell has not fixed this yet.

My question is if anyone has tried this with the 4600, and if they tried downgrading to D4600A02.EXE (is that the right bios?), and if so if it worked for them?


MarkSWarren 02-10-2004 01:02 PM

We just bought some 4600's and one 4600c from eBay. I have used BIOS setup on both to set 8Mb of video RAM.

The 4600's have BIOS A07 dated 11/24/2003. I've tried downgrading these to A02 but it appears they are incompatible (mine are actually 4600i's and I think the earlier versions only support 4600's). On these, the best I can get is 1024x768 at 8 bits.

The 4600c is A04 dated 10/22/2003. On this system, usingt the installed firmware, I got 1600x1200 24-bits with no problem.

This is *VERY* frustrating. Anyone have better experience with a 4600i?

mirassou 02-17-2004 08:10 AM

Yes, it works with Dell Bios A02

Same pb for me :

Dell SX270 with intel chipset 82865G (Springdale-G), Bios rev A03 (with 8MB video memory), redhat 9 with kernel 2.4.20-28.9 and XFree86 4.3.0-2.90.55

I couldn't go behond 640x480 and 16 bits colors with i810 driver.

I downgrade to Bios Rev A02 and i can now reach 1280x1024 with 24 bits colors.

Thanks a lot ;-)

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