intel 536ep on OpenSuse 10.1 not working
Hi all. I just recently installed Opensuse 10.1, and after five installs, I finally got the GUI working. Anyway, I'm having a problem getting my modem (my only means of Internet on this PC) working. It uses the chipset Intel 536ep. I've tried the latest Linux drivers (a couple of them, one for Suse 9.0 and above (or was it 9.2 and above) and one uncompiled general Linux driver, neither of which I could get working. Furthermore, I also tried following the directions (as closely as I can, given that it's different versions) for installing the 536ep modem chipset driver through Yast (the directions were for 9.0), and if I did that right, than I have two modems (one recognized, but without driver, and one I set up myself through YaST (but can't get it to dial). If anyone has tackled this issue, please help.
Thanks in advance,