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Old 05-11-2003, 06:25 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2003
Location: Portsmouth, UK
Distribution: Slackware9
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Question Installing Slackware9 on an IBM Transnote with a touch-sensitive screen

Has anyone got any experience of installing/running Linux on an IBM Transnote? The Transnote is like a minature Thinkpad, it has a touch-sensitive monitor, an 8Gig hard disk, no CD/floppy drives, but does have pcmcia slots and ethernet, and is currently running Win98. (if your interested, this is what it looks like... )

I want to install Slackware9 on it, but with no CD drive I plan on either a) copying the Slackware CD onto an IBM MicroDrive and using that to boot the Transnote and install linux or b) installing over a network from one of the other linux machines in my house. If anyone has had any experience of installing linux over a network I would appreciate some pointers, but my real question is this.....

I want to know if the touch-sensitive monitor will work under Slackware9 when running a gui application eg KDE, java applications etc...will I need any special drivers etc in order to make use of all the features that the touch-sensitive monitor has under Windows?

I dont really want to install linux only to find out that I've lost the touch-sensitive if anyone can help I would be really gratefull.

Many thanks.

PS I am relatively new to linux, but have just spend the last 2 weekends installing Slackware9 on 1 desktop and 1 laptop machine, and getting x window forwarding to work and installing the Java SDK so I can do some development work at a later stage

Last edited by dhjb97; 05-11-2003 at 06:39 PM.
Old 05-11-2003, 07:24 PM   #2
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On http://www.linux-on-laptops-com/ibm.html
there's this reference ...

Hope it helps :)



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