installing nVidia drivers...
I just got all of my kernel headers that I needed to installed for the nVidia drivers (I've got a GeForce4 MX 420 on Debian Woody 3.0r1; X wasn't working, so I downloaded nVidia's .tar.gz's) Now I just need to run the make installs; however when running it on the kernel part of the drivers, a couple of errors come up. I had been using a mini HOW TO that told what to do for each problem, but the site is down and has been for the whole day, if not entirely moved. Google searches have yielded some other walk-thrus, but none that talked about the errors that you get and how to fix them. I do remember that the make installs were pointing to a different location than the kernel headers were actually installed to (they are actually installed in /usr/src/kernel-to-much-to-type-here/include/linux) and that I needed to make a symlink. This is where I'm stuck. I know I need to use ln -s, but from what to what is the problem. Any help would be appreciated.