INStalling my LexmarkE210 printer
I need help with making my LexmarkE210 work for my SLackware 8.1 machine. I'm running BlackBox.
SO far I've been failing to make anything work. I found some printer install wizard among some buttons in the print... screen of the KDE helpbook. But I can't find my printer among the list.
I went to and donwloaded some driver they had for Red Hat Linux (they don't have a Slackware version). I'm haviga difficult time installing it. I went to and got some of their drivers. Using that printer install wizard i tried all of the drivers, but a dialog box always popped out that said that the driver's format was incorrect.
So far, I have tried various other drivers listed in the wizard. None work. I'm sure that the printer is in lp0, because when i use any driver, the lights flash on the printer. But when I use lp1 or lp2, they don't.
Well, I sure need some help. I've been trying to read the Printing How To but i get stuck in some things and don't know where to go. Any help would be appreciated.