1) Yes I say that because I don't think that grub can support boot from USB external drive... but if you find a bootloader which can do that... I'm wrong

2) When your computer boots, it loads bootloader installed in MBR (Master Boot Record)... Then you choose your favorite OS (linux of course

your bootloader knows that linux kernel to boot is installed in /boot directory (in fact /dev/hda1 for example)... So the kernel is booted and once the kernel is booted, it has to mount root filesystem (and then other like /home, /var...). So if you have compiled your kernel with USB mass storage support inside, you can tell him that rootfs is your USB drive (you tell him that with the option root=/dev/something)
3) according my answer, yes but it won't really be a boot disk, it will be a root filesystem disk... unless I am completely wrong at 1) and so it will be a boot disk